District Enrollment

Kaufman ISD welcomes families new to our district. All students of qualifying age living within the boundaries of the District are eligible for public education in Kaufman ISD.

For grades PreK-12, the enrollment process begins by completing online enrollment. You will need an email address that you can access before you begin the online enrollment process. After being prompted to request a Skyward account, parents will receive an email with login information.  The following internet browsers translate online enrollment into other languages: Safari, Firefox, and Chrome.

Information/Documents needed to enroll your Child

A driver's license or state-issued ID of parent/guardian is required for enrollment. Parents and guardians are also required to prove two things: (1) that they have a legal right to enroll the student (parent’s name is on birth certificate or documents showing lawful control of the student under order of the court) and (2) that they are permanent residents of Kaufman ISD. The following documents are required:

Student Enrollment:

(1 document from this group)

  • Child's Birth Certificate

  • Legal Guardianship Documents

Proof of Residence:

(1 document from this group)

  • Utility bill (electric, gas or water -- no cell phone bills)

  • Mortgage/deed

  • Lease agreement with landlord contact

  • Closing statement on home

If you need assistance in creating an email or uploading a document, you can find a tutorial here in English and here in Spanish.

Student Enrollment

For students first registering in the Kaufman Independent School District, there are a few things you will need:

The District may investigate residency as necessary (including home visits) to verify the student currently resides in the District with the intention to remain.

If you have any questions, please contact Marsha Johnson.


Marsha Johnson

Director of PEIMS

Email: mjohnson@kaufman-isd.net