Kaufman ISD
Kaufman Independent School District is located within the County of Kaufman, Texas. The City of Kaufman, the county seat of Kaufman County, is located 31 miles east of downtown Dallas on Highway 175, bordering the counties of Dallas, Ellis, Henderson, Hunt, Van Zandt, and Rockwall. The population of the City of Kaufman itself is approximately 7,000, but many small rural communities such as Ola, Rand, Jiba, and Oak Grove, fall within the district.
This region was originally inhabited by the Caddo, Comanche, Cherokee, Delaware, and Kickapoo Indians. The first white settlers arrived around 1840 and were comprised of forty families led by Dr. William P. King. King built a fort, which caused the region to become known as Kings Fort. In the next few years, the community continued to develop and was renamed Kingsboro. In 1846, it became part of the newly established Henderson County. Later, Kaufman County was founded on land taken from Henderson County. In 1848, Kingsboro was renamed Kaufman after Congressman David Spangler Kaufman.
With the arrival of more and more settlers to the area, public schools were established in every small community within Kaufman County. In 1892, C. J. Maxwell was named Superintendent of the Kaufman County Public Schools. As the population of the area grew, communities established local school districts. O. P. Norman was named Superintendent of the Kaufman ISD in 1904 and remained in that position until 1941.
Kaufman ISD has now grown to seven campuses: Helen Edwards Early Childhood Center, J. W. Monday Elementary School, J. R. Phillips Elementary School, Lucille Nash Elementary School, O. P. Norman Jr. High School, Kaufman High School and the Gary W. Campbell High School/Alternative Learning Center, with approximate enrollment of 4,300 students.
Kaufman ISD offers excellent facilities, technology, and professional development to provide a diverse and growing student population with the same quality of educational preparation offered to students in the most favorable circumstances across the state and nation.
Kaufman ISD participates in a highly competitive 5A UIL district, offering a wide range of activities, including academic, sports, and fine arts programs. KISD has excelled as the district academic champion 15 times in the past 24 years. KISD consistently participates in post-season play in all areas of athletic competition, including football, volleyball, basketball, baseball, softball, soccer, track, and tennis. State champions have included ladies' golf, men’s cross-country, men's and ladies’ track and field, and men’s tennis. The award-winning “Lions Pride” marching band and drill team are recognized across the state and nation.
Kaufman ISD continues to hold fast to its vision statement “Preparation - Purpose - Pride” to enhance the quality of education for all students.