Student Teachers/Observers

Student Observing

Written Placement
A written placement request from university or certification institution, which must include:

  • Description of the assignment;

  • Certification subject;

  • Certification level; and

  • Assignment starting and ending date or total hours required.

Student Teaching

Written Placement
A written placement request from university or certification institution, which must include:

  • Description of the assignment;

  • Certification level;

  • Certification subject; and

  • Assignment starting and ending date or total hours required.

Required Forms

  1. Complete the Background Check on the Kaufman ISD Website

  2. Copy of ID provided to Front Office (Driver’s license; or other form government issued picture ID)

Student Teacher Badge

A Kaufman ISD Visitor or Student Teacher Badge will be issued after the placement has been confirmed. The badge must be worn at all times while on the assigned campus.

All student observer and student teacher requests are pending campus principal approval.